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Monday 20 May 2013

It is a shoes topic

Im not a shoesholic or shoes lover
I rare buy a shoes unless it is already exhausted, cannot be used any longer
So this time, i present myself a shoes, a brogues type.
Semenjak my eye caught on yana's shoes, i asked her to buy one for me.
Jauh benau minta tolong belikan. Midvalley

I love the pattern of that shoes because it cover up my feet
I mean my sock dan secara langsung my aurat
All this time, kite rasa segan sangat if pakai shoes yang nampak sock
Rasa macam segan, hilang confident
That's why on and off wearing a sock

But since i at Mekah/Madinah I start feel confident when wearing a sock.
Bila gi masjid to perform solat, rasa pelik sangat bila ada certain muslimat yang solat tapi tidak
pakai stocking.
because of different mazhab
Even though, i tetap rasa sedikit kejanggalan apabila melihat mereka.
So terfikir dalam hati, dah alang alang solat, pakai tudung so why not i continuously covering my
feet. Bukankah sedikit janggal semua ditutup tetapi tidak di kaki?

So since then, i dah ok dengan sock ni
lagi2 ada kasut sebegini rupa
Lagiiiiiii i bertambah suka!

"Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami dan kurniakanlah kepada kami limpah rahmat dari sisiMu"


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